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Why? Because we like you.

Last updated on February 13, 2023

Last week’s Creative Freelancer Conference reinforced something that I’d long suspected: you don’t have to be the best, but you do have to be the kind of person that people want to work with. Likable, responsive people get the business and the referrals.

The idea was reinforced on the drive home from the airport. Listening to the news, I heard a snippet of something that Senator Dodd said about the late Senator Kennedy:

“Volumes, of course, will be published by those attempting to unlock the mystery of why Teddy was such an effective legislator. Was it his knowledge of parliamentary procedure? His political instincts? His passionate oratory? His staff? Please let me save the pundits and political scientists some time – and all of you some money – and tell you what Teddy’s secret was: People liked him.”

How many times have you left a message for someone, or emailed them, only to hear… nothing? It only takes a moment to be courteous and respond, yet so few people do it. If I don’t respond to your message in the same day, you can be fairly certain that I’ve died.

I’m not underestimating the power of talent. I’ve worked long and hard to learn the skills that make me good at what I do. But the difference between a single project and repeat business is often likability. Be responsive and treat your clients with respect and they will do your marketing for you.

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